- Read the materials in your Delegate Kit.
- Wear your badge at all times while at official Convention events.
- Attend the First-Time Delegates and Alternates Briefing on Sunday, July 15, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the BCEC, Room 258.
- To be an informed delegate and fully engage in Convention, it is necessary to attend all business sessions.
- Leave no materials on the tables in the General Session Hall.
- Understand the procedures for introducing and acting on resolutions and constitutional amendments (see pages 23-26).
- Find out when and where committees will meet and share your thoughts on issues important to your local and council.
- Place your cell phone on vibrate/silent mode during general sessions and workshops.
- If you have questions, ask an AFSCME International Union staff person wearing a blue badge.