AFSCME Convention delegates and alternates held a moving tribute on Wednesday to honor members who served our country in the armed forces.
AFSCME veterans hail from all corners of the country, have served in every branch of the military and come from all walks of life, and share in common their sense of duty and service.
“To the thousands of AFSCME members who’ve served in our armed forces or had family members serve, we are grateful for your sacrifice,” said Dwight “D.J.” Frederick of Council 4 in Connecticut, himself a retired master sergeant in the Army.
Frederick invited veterans and families of those who have served to stand and be recognized for their sacrifice.
“With honor, courage, and selflessness, these brave AFSCME heroes show what it means to stand in unity to defend the rights of a nation. When someone needs a voice, whether at home or abroad, AFSCME stands up and fights. When our freedom is threatened, it is our duty and our obligation to protect the values we hold dear,” he said.
The stirring tribute only added to the sense of energy felt throughout the Convention week, which reflected the reverence for public service embodied by AFSCME veterans.